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How can I help?

Hundreds of highly individualized and customizable services, meant to help you in the best possible way. 


Alcohol Cessation | Compulsive Spending | Drug Addiction | Caffeine Addiction | Sexual Addiction | Gambling Addiction | Smoking Cessation | Mobile Phone Obsession | Social Media Addiction | Television Addiction | Work Addiction

Anger Management

Extreme Frustration | Forgiveness | Road Rage | Self Harm | Compulsive Swearing

Children's Issues

Dealing with Divorce | Anger Management | Bedwetting Relaxation | ADHD | Anxiety | Fears & Phobias | Child Obesity |

Nail-Biting | Sugar Addiction | Teeth-Grinding | OCD | Bullying | Separation Anxiety

Coping with Loss/Grief

Losing a Pet | Death of a Family Member or Friend | Loss of Custody | End of Life Acceptance | Loneliness | Homesickness | Survivor's Guilt

Fears & Phobias

Fear of Flying | Fear of Being Alone | Fear of Commitment | Fear of Dental Treatment | Fear of Doctors | Fear of Elevators | Fear of Failure | Fear of Animals | Fear of Germs | Fear of Heights | Fear of Injections | Fear of Panic Attacks |

Fear of Loud Noises | Fear of Spiders | Fear of Social Interaction


Transgender Issues | Dealing with Rape | Surviving Child Abuse | Feminization Visualization | Masculinity Boost

Stress & Anxiety

PTSD | Work-Related Stress | Depression | Emotional Release | Loss of Self-Identity | Guilt Complex |

Negative Memory Release | Nursing Home Guilt | Panic Attacks | Stress Management | Trauma

Weight Loss/Gain

Body Acceptance | Binge Eating | Anorexia | Bulimia | Family Obesity | Group Weight Loss | Lack of Water Intake 

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